
About Me


Hello! I am the author of this page, since I can remember I have always been interested in spirituality, astrology, mental health and psychology. This is the place where I collect everything that is interesting and inspiring on this journey we call life.

Popular Psychology

Understanding the Empath: A Journey into Emotional Sensitivity 01
Understanding and Managing Post-Holiday Blues.
Guide to Making and Keeping New Year’s resolutions
The Introvert’s Guide to Thriving in an Extroverted Society.
The Joy of JOMO: Embracing the Introvert’s ‘Joy of Missing Out
50 Quotes about introverted women

Mental Health

Understanding the Empath: A Journey into Emotional Sensitivity
Understanding and Managing Post-Holiday Blues.
Guide to Making and Keeping New Year’s resolutions
The Introvert’s Guide to Thriving in an Extroverted Society.
The Joy of JOMO: Embracing the Introvert’s ‘Joy of Missing Out
50 Quotes about introverted women
Aries Rising

Aries Rising

Aries Rising is a dynamic and confident aspect of your personality that shapes how you present yourself to the world and how you instinctively react to your surroundings. It’s the key to understanding what truly makes your life fulfilling. With Aries rising, you exude assertiveness and straightforwardness. Your Sun, Moon, and Ascendant work together to…

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Understanding the Empath

Understanding the Empath: A Journey into Emotional Sensitivity

Understanding the Empath: A Journey into Emotional Sensitivity. The Empath’s Intuitive Gift Empaths possess an innate ability to deeply understand their surroundings and the emotions of those around them. This sensitivity extends beyond mere intuition, allowing them to ‘just know’ things without needing them to be articulated. It’s a gift that enables them to navigate…

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The sun in cancer

The Sun in Cancer: Embracing the Lunar Glow.

The Sun in Cancer. The Essence of Cancer: Nurturing and Protective Under the influence of the Sun in Cancer, you embody the qualities of nurturing, protecting, and intuiting. This placement in astrology reflects your deep emotional intelligence, empathy, and a strong connection to your family. Cancer, ruled by the Moon and belonging to the Cardinal…

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The sun in Gemini.

Sun in Gemini. The Vibrant World of Gemini.

A Journey of Curiosity and Adaptability. The Sun in Gemini: The Essence of Communication and Flexibility Embracing the Sun in Gemini means stepping into a world where communication, interaction, and exchange are the heartbeats of your existence. Your individuality is shaped by these elements, defining your motivations and actions. Gemini, governed by the mutable air…

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The sun in scorpio

The sun in Scorpio. 

The sun in Scorpio. The Sun’s placement in Scorpio in astrology is a profound indicator of one’s core identity and individual essence. Understanding your Sun Sign is fundamental, as it significantly influences your motivations and the underlying reasons for your actions. When examining Scorpio, it’s essential to recognize its defining characteristics: transformation, intensity, purification, and…

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